Opera and Grands Boulevards, A Movie Theater Zone
There are six movie theaters located within the perimeter of the Etats-Unis Opéra hotel. Most of the movies shown are in their original language. Here are some tips on how to choose and let’s shine the spotlight on two legendary movie theaters offering a unique experience.

Finding A Movie
For our foreign friends, it should be noted that in France, the undisputed leader of cinematographic news on the web is Allociné. Every movie can be found. It provides complete information on movies, with of course the novelties, the films for a given theater, all the movie theaters for a given movie, the trailers and fact sheets of films, etc. Only problem, the website is only in French. Below are all the movie theaters in the perimeter of the Etats-Unis Opera hotel. Clicking on a link will give you the program of the selected movie theater from the Allociné website.The language of each movie screening is provided: VF (French language) or VO (original language). There is a wide selection of English films subtitled in French.
- Gaumont Opéra (Premier) – 32, rue Louis Legrand
- Le Grand Rex – 1, boulevard Poissonnière
- Gaumont Opera (Capucines) – 2, boulevard des Capucines – 38, boulevard des Italiens – 32, rue Louis Legrand
- Gaumont Opéra (Français) – 38, boulevard des Italiens 75009 Paris
- Max Linder Panorama – 24, boulevard Poissonnière 75009 Paris
- UGC Opéra – 32, boulevard des Italiens 75009 Paris
We advise you to buy your ticket online on Allociné, you’ll save time and avoid missing your screening.
- See all movie theaters on Google Maps: click here
- See Allociné: http://www.allocine.fr/
Max Linder
This is not the biggest movie theater in Paris, but it is by far the most representative of the big theaters in the last century. The Max Linder Panorama movie theater is the last panoramic mono-screen movie theater in Paris and is one of the two most legendary in the capital. It was bought in 1914 by burlesque actor Max Linder who inaugurated it in March 1919, almost 100 years ago!
The movie theater has obviously been renovated several times. The last renovation dates from 2005 with an Art Deco-type style. It is composed of an orchestra, a mezzanine, and a balcony and can accommodate 580 moviegoers in highly comfortable conditions. Max Linder is equipped with a film projector, a 4K digital projector, and its curved screen is 16 meters long by 6.70m wide. It offers optimal projection quality.

24, bd Poissonnière – 75009 Paris
Grand Rex

Inaugurated for the first time in 1932, the Grand Rex is first and foremost a beautiful Art Deco architecture whose façade is inscribed with historical monuments. Its design is inspired by Radio City Music Hall in New York.
One million moviegoers visit it every year. In 1960, it had more visitors than the Louvre. It is a multiplex with seven rooms, but if you do visit, choose the largest room, which offers 2,700 seats, leather armchairs for the orchestra and the mezzanine, a balcony, and the biggest screen of Paris, measuring 25 meters long and 11.30 meters high.

The Grand Rex is the other Parisian institution in the Cinema category. It was the theater of famous demonstrations: in 1957, the escalator of Grand Rex was inaugurated by Gary Cooper. In 1963, Alfred Hitchcock presented his new film The Birds. The Grand Rex is also the venue for major previews with film crews as well as special events called “Marathons”, bringing together fans of Star Wars, Hunger Games, and other cult series.
1, Boulevard Poissonnière – 75002 Paris