The most anticipated openings of 2023
The 2022 chapter has just been closed, and 2023 promises to be full of new developments. This year, many openings are expected in Paris and Ile-de-France. Wasteland, museum, gourmet market… discover our selection of new places that will mark the year 2023.
Follow us, we’ll take you there!
The Hall Gourmande of Saint Ouen

Yes, the largest food court in the Ile-de-France region will open its doors this year in Saint-Ouen. This future hall will be built in the Docks district, a district in full mutation, near the Seine. Open 7 days a week, from 8am to midnight, it will house a fresh produce market, various street food brands, trucks and also a cooking school. We can already feel that we are going to feast at the counter of festive stands and enjoy the specialties of local producers on the go.
Reopening of the Musée de la Marine

Good news, history and maritime adventure enthusiasts will be able to push the doors of the Musée de la Marine again!
Located on the Place du Trocadero, this museum, often unknown to Parisians, has been given a makeover. Closed since 2017 for renovation, it has been totally reinvented to become one of the favorite cultural places of Parisians.
Entirely redesigned over a period of 6 years, this fascinating new space will plunge us into a unique and immersive journey to discover the sea, the seabed, the ships that cross it, the men and women who live there and its primordial role in our environment.
Musée de la Marine
17 Pl. du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre, 75116 Paris
The Hangar Y in Meudon

The former airship hangar in Meudon (west of Paris) will soon reopen its doors to create a huge center dedicated to art.
Rehabilitated as a cultural center, this jewel of French heritage, used from 1921 to 1973 by the Air Museum to store its airships, will soon take flight.
From next March, the Hangar Y, located in the middle of the forest of Meudon, will plunge us into an incredible experience mixing art, science and technology. We can’t wait!
The Gainsbourg House in the 7th

It’s official, after more than thirty years of waiting, the Maison Gainsbourg will open its doors to the public in only a few months.
The 5 bis rue de Verneuil, in the 7th district of Paris, is already a place of pilgrimage for many. And for good reason: this house was for more than 20 years the home of the legendary French singer Serge Gainsbourg.
In addition to the museum visit, a bookshop-boutique, a café-restaurant and a piano-bar will also pay tribute to this illustrious man with the head of cabbage.